Shake off the Wrong Flakes: How to Get Rid of Dandruff the Natural Way

Walking around with a bunch of snowflakes on your shoulders, even though it’s obviously not snowing outside, can easily feel as one of the most embarrassing things ever.

No matter the reasons why you’re struggling with dandruff, one thing’s for sure: dandruff ain’t pretty but it’s pretty annoying to deal with!

Does the following sound familiar?

You’ve tried thousands of store-bought shampoos and conditioners but nothing seems to do the trick. And there are only so many tries you’re willing to make before getting disappointed once again.

But before completely giving up, there might be a few remedies you haven’t thought about. In fact, they’re right there in front of your eyes! Well, not quite literally… but if the kitchen cabinet is close enough for you, then make some room for some of the best natural remedies for getting rid of dandruff!

Are you telling me there’s a possible solution for this nightmare?

Yes, we’re telling you there’s a solution for your flaky nightmare.

Also, the solutions we’re going to offer you won’t cost a fortune but might help in the long run. Providing that you’re consistent with whatever routine you choose to follow.

Plus apart from offering dandruff relief, you’d be glad to know they’re all natural and not filled with who-knows-what ingredients that often, might even make your condition worse no matter how often you wash your hair or not.

All right, here are some homemade tips & tricks we’ve picked out for you.

1. Lemon is Your New Best Friend Again!

Isn’t lemon the most amazing thing ever? Lemons are great for many reasons and yes, they give flavor to your water too but their acidity can also help balance the pH of your scalp. And we can all agree that dandruff absolutely hates a balanced scalp!

You have more than a few options as far as lemon is concerned but you may try this:

Massage your scalp with a few tablespoons of lemon juice – though be careful not to get carried away with the amount of juice you’re using.

Then rinse your hair and repeat this as you see fit but daily use should be enough. Be consistent until your dandruff disappears.

2. Attack Dandruff With an Aspirin Pill

Well, it’s not exactly natural all the way but it’s much better than store-bought options, right?

While you may reach out for the occasional aspirin here or there, you’ve probably never thought about using it to fight off dandruff. And NO, you’re not supposed to drink it – simply powder a pill or two and add them to your shampoo!

The thing is that aspirin has salicylic acid in it, an ingredient that’s often added to shampoos specifically made to fight off dandruff.

You can add it to your regular shampoo, soap up your hair and leave it there for a few minutes. Then rinse and wash again as you normally would.

3. Aloe Vera is Life!

You know how Aloe Vera saves the day once you burn up on the sun in summer?

Well, the good part is that you can also use it to fight dandruff! Simply massage it into your scalp and leave it there for a while (5-7 minutes) before washing your hair as usual.

But here’s the best part: Aloe Vera is so soothing, it’ll help you keep the itch at bay. Now, who’d say no to that? 

4. Apple Cider Vinegar For Bringing Back Your Glam

Do you remember what we discussed about lemons and pH levels? Apple cider vinegar does the same thing to your scalp – it keeps pH levels under control.

Get yourself a nice little spray bottle (make sure it’s clean), fill half of it with apple cider vinegar and fill the other half with water. Then spray it on your hair, wrap it in a towel and let it sit there for up to an hour before you wash it.

Do this a couple of times per week and even Hollywood divas might envy you on your locks!

5. Tea Tree Oil to Step Up Your Game

Ah, never enough oils around the house but we promise that you’re going to love this one! Tea tree oil has been used for skin healing and many more other benefits for years.

However, it might be a bit too strong to be used directly on the scalp. But you only need to add a few drops to your favorite shampoo and see what happens next. Opt for a drop of every 0.10 ounces of shampoo and you should be good to go.

Anything else I should know?

Well, if you insist and you probably know what we’re going to say… a healthy lifestyle matters too! That means eat your veggies, drink your water and control the amount of stress in your life.

You see, the thing is… dandruff feeds off stress, more often than not. So unless you do something to control it, even your skin is bound to feel the effects of stress, sooner or later! Experts say meditation does wonder.

Oh, and don’t forget to rinse your shampoo off thoroughly, as shampoo residue can be a fertile ground for those flakes – you can read more about that over here.

The bottom line is that you shouldn’t give up!

Just put most of your energy towards living a healthy, stress-free life. And try some of the suggested home remedies. You’re bound to find something that will help you get rid of those nasty flakes once and for all!

Have you tried any natural dandruff remedies? If so, which ones are your favorite? Feel free to drop us a comment and let us know!

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